Catsitter in Madrid

Madrid, Spain
  • 1cat


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Hi, I am Alice, a french girl living in Madrid. I work here as a chemical engineer and I sometimes travel for work or go holidays or week-end out of Madrid. I speak french, spanish and english. I share my cosy flat with Rita, an awesome

Home & location

I rent a 2 bedroom duplex flat (a bedroom and the other one is mostly used as an office and laundry room, or as a guest bedroom), with a small kitchen, a living room with a table for 4 and a TV, a nice terrace and another small one, 2

apartmentApartmentcityCityAccessible by public transport



Give her half a pouch of wet food mixed with water a day. Clean the litter box once or twice a day (very simple, you just have to throw it in the toilet and flush). Verify that the food and water dispenser are full, and functionning. Clean

Meet the pets

  • Rita

    4 years

Location map

  1. Spain
  2. chevron-right
  3. Madrid
  4. chevron-right
  5. Madrid