Cozy stay with our little nugget dog in Ocean Beach, SF bungalow.

San Francisco, CA, US
  • 1dog


Pet parent

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We’re a family of three + our wonderful pooch Frisco who enjoys spending time outside and with family and friends. We prefer to travel with little Frisco in tow (he’s been all over the world), but when we’re unable to bring him along, we’d

Home & location

We live in a very sweet 2 bed, 1 bath split level home with lots of light and an additional office space. Our living room is a super cozy and comfortable place to hang out with a tv connected to all the apps. We also have a small backyard

houseHousebeachBeachcityCityAccessible by public transport



Frisco’s typical routine starts off with a quick pee in the backyard. We have a doggy door from the office to the yard so he can let himself out. Most days, we go for a nice walk in the morning- typically to the beach where he can run off

Meet the pets

  • Frisco


    11 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. California
  4. chevron-right
  5. San Francisco