Pet sitter for dog and cat in Vorarlberg, Austria needed.

Bregenz, Austria
  • 1dog
  • 1cat


Pet parent

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We live in a beautiful area of Austria on the lake of Constance with our three children, dog and cat. I’m originally from Australia and my husband is Austrian. We’re looking for someone who would like to pet sit for us while we’re on

Home & location

Our house is very unique it’s built on the roof top of a large building. It has a large sunny garden and swimming pool, mature trees and flowers and is surrounded by views of the alps. As it’s on the roof the garden is completely private

houseHousefamilyFamily friendlymountainMountainscountrysideCountrysideAccessible by public transport



Daily routine is a walk in the morning off leash between 30-60 minutes, breakfast, another shorter walk around 3/4pm followed by dinner. Indoor plants watering every 3-4 days. Cat feeding 3 times a day.

Meet the pets

  • Senti

    2 years

  • Pearl

    Maine Coon

    3 years

Location map

  1. Austria
  2. chevron-right
  3. Vorarlberg
  4. chevron-right
  5. Bregenz